Just a quick sketch

I did this after watching avatar, i really think them heli's are brilliant! this is just a civilian transport.

Flesh Vechicles

These are a few various concepts designs for flying vechicles i looked heavily at squid and octpus for refrence and inspiration. This was just a personal brief i gave myself 10 mins to throw up each design. just trying to puch myself to see what i could coume up with in a time limit.

Riot officer designs

Just a few quick designs done in about 1hr. I will have the greyscaled versions up soon.

Atom Hawk

I saw this competition tweeted by a concept art company to design a movie poster around the name of the of their company Atom Hawk, i ran through a list of different ideas and era's that i could pursue and finally rested on the idea of a B-movie with the hero named Cap Hawk, Atom Hawk here's some of my preliminary sketches and ideas as well as a more final image.